The dreadful calamity that hit Cagayan de Oro city and Iligan city has claimed many properties and lives. The images that Sendong left were horrifying. Houses and vehicles, big or small were upturned by the deadly typhoon Sendong. There were muds everywhere. There were many hungry mouths asking to be fed. People are waiting for water. They are longing for clothes to wrap their cold body. The children don’t care on washing their muddy hands as they take the food that was given to them and I was touched looking at those children. I can’t imagine their lives after the disaster. It takes time or even years for them to be okay and to have a stable shelter again.
My heart tears as I saw pictures from the internet. I can’t imagine if that will happen to me too. I don’t know if I will be able to survive in that kind of situation.
My hearts still breaks every time I remember that terrifying dawn of December 17, 2012. Christmas is just 4 days away but people don’t know how to celebrate while both cities were counting dead and missing bodies. Even though I’m happy that I and my love ones were all safe I’m still grieving to see both cities suffering after the typhoon.
No one knows what future will bring. Only God handles our lives. With the damage that typhoon Sendong left in the two cities I realize that genuine treasures are stored up above and that is heaven and that we must always be ready to face our creator our one and only God.
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